
Rock-n-Roll - Sport for All - International Program Sport Classes

Coaches of Acrobatic Rock-n-Roll Irish Association took part in the first step of the international project of World Rock-n-Roll Confederation supported by the European Sports Commission. First meeting of the coaches in the aim of creation of Sport Classes Educational Program held in Piechowice (Poland) in August 2021.

“Rock’n’Roll Sport for All” project is to provide the Acrobatic Rock ‘n’ Roll coaches with the opportunity to improve their qualifications and competences, as well as to acquire new skills through mobility education in different countries. The project assumes the creation of an educational program for sports classes of Acrobatic Rock ‘n’ Roll.

Thanks to the project we will enable the path of development in our sport for coaches in every European country. Through our activities we will reach the national federations and then the ministries responsible for the implementation of the program in primary schools.

The lasting effect of the project will be the creation of a training programme, a promotional film “Rock ‘n’ Roll Sport For All” and, as a result, the creation of sports classes throughout Europe. The schools concerned, will employ coaches working in accordance with our educational programme.

The planned coach exchange activities, will take place in Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia. The project will last 18 months. Acrobatic Rock ‘n’ Roll is a dance discipline that shapes all motor skills as well as respect for the opposite sex, tolerance of the ability to work together and in a group. The developed educational program of sports classes will focus on the comprehensive development of the child and the use of sport as a tool to develop better people.

Link to the original Article on WRRC web-page
2021-09-01 09:21